AKG - Germany

[< < ] [> > ] corrTime 2.80

Corrects the inaccuracy of your PC clock

Brief Info

Brief Info about corrTime

download corrTime 2.80/1 +E (330 kB)

Downloads cTime281.exe (for testing purposes) to your hard disk !

cTime281.exe is a selfextracting file and deliveres all
required programs after executing this file. Changes
language to english or german with command:
english.bat or deutsch.bat

[< < ] Register
Download corrTime, and fill out the registration form,
delivered together with the shareware program and send or
FAX it to the given address. (i.e.: no online registration at
the present)
What is new ?
Contains a list of all new corrTime features.

creatred/last updated: April 1997
