AKG - Germany
Subpage: Software, Shareware, Links and my profile


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My Shareware Programs:

Audio-Test 2.0 / Freeware (for private, non commercial use) OS: Win 95/98 ... Windows XP ......

( Publication Date : Jun. 2004 )

more Info see: http://www.audio-soft.de/audiotst.htm:

Link to : Audio-Test Page

With this program you can check into what extent the loudspeakers of your music systems fit to your ears or your ears fit to your speakers.

corrTime 2.80 ...........:1996 (download)

Corrects the inaccuracy of your PC clock

Bank-As 2.90

German Bank Interface - Printer Version,
Prints on endless-, single and DIN-A4 sheets;
Bank-DTA 2.95
German Bank Interface - Disc Version,
Generates a disc file of your payment transaction
to be processed the bank

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Shareware Internet Links

Links to Shareware Organisations and Shareware Archives

Shareware Resources

Publications / Shareware References

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creatred/last updated: August 1998
